Vanessa Freudenberg: Publications
Note: I changed my name from Bert Schönwälder to Bert Freudenberg in 1998 and then to Vanessa Freudenberg in 2020.
Keynotes and Invited Talks
- Vanessa Freudenberg:
Croquet: Edge computing for Frontend (!) Developers.
Developer Speaker Series (April 2022).
(Abstracy & Recording Cloudflare TV | Library docs)
- Vanessa Freudenberg:
Croquet: A Unique Collaboration Architecture.
Keynote at the 2020 International Conference on Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2020).
(Abstract HTML
| Talk YouTube | Library docs)
Refereed Papers
- Ohshima, Amelang, Freudenberg:
Shadama: A Particle Simulation Programming Environment for Everyone
LIVE 2017 workshop in Vancouver, Canada
(Paper PDF 2.2 MB
| Videos html)
- Ohshima, Freudenberg, Amelang:
Kanto: a multi-participant screen-sharing system for Etoys, Snap!, and GP
PX/17.2: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Experience
(Paper PDF 2.2 MB)
- Ohshima, Warth, Freudenberg, Lunzer, Kay:
Towards Making a Computer Tutor for Children of All Ages
Presented at the PX/16 work-shop, co-located with ECOOP 2016 in Rome, Italy, July 18 2016.
(Paper PDF 800 KB)
Freudenberg, Ingalls, Felgentreff, Pape, Hirschfeld:
SqueakJS: A Modern and Practical Smalltalk That Runs in Any Browser
Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS ’14), at SPLASH, Portland, OR, USA, October 20–24, 2014.
(Paper PDF 0.5 MB | Source GitHub | Homepage
Ingalls, Freudenberg, Kaehler, Ohshima, Kay:
Reviving Smalltalk-78: The First Modern Smalltalk Lives Again
International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, Cambridge, England, August 19, 2014.
(Paper PDF 0.5 MB | Source GitHub | Run live)
- Felgentreff, Borning, Hirschfeld, Lincke, Ohshima, Freudenberg, Krahn:
Babelsberg/JS: A Browser-based Implementation of an Object Constraint Language
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '14), Uppsala, Sweden, 2014.
(Paper PDF 1.7 MB)
Ohshima, Lunzer, Freudenberg, Kaehler:
KScript and KSWorld: A Time-Aware and Mostly Declarative Language and Interactive GUI Framework.
In Onward! '13 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming & software,
Indianapolis, IN, 2013.
(Paper PDF 2.7 MB)
Freudenberg, Ohshima, Wallace:
Etoys for One Laptop Per Child
In Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2009),
January 19-22, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
(Paper PDF 3.4 MB)
Halper, Isenberg,
Ritter, Freudenberg, Meruvia,
Schlechtweg, and Strothotte:
OpenNPAR: A System for Developing, Programming, and Designing Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering.
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2003 (Poster), 2003.
(Paper PDF 2.2 MB | Poster PDF 4.4 MB)
Freudenberg, Masuch, Strothotte:
Real-Time Halftoning: A Primitive For Non-Photorealistic Shading.
In Rendering Techniques 2002, Proceedings 13th Eurographics Workshop, pp. 227-231, 2002. ISBN 1-58113-534-3
(Paper PDF 1.8 MB |
Slides PPT 3.3 MB |
Video 1 AVI 27 MB |
Video 2 AVI 21 MB |
Code C 5 KB)
Note: The videos are not captured with the actual frame rate, it's much
smoother in the engine.
Freudenberg, Masuch, Röber, Strothotte:
The Computer-Visualistik-Raum: Veritable and Inexpensive Presentation of a Virtual Reconstruction.
In Proceedings VAST 2001: Virtual Reality, Archaelogy, and Cultural Heritage,
Glyfada, Nr Athens, Greece, 2001. Pages 97-102, ACM SIGGRAPH, ISBN 1-58113-447-9.
(Paper PDF 2 MB |
Slides/Videos zipped PPT/AVI 23 MB)
Subdivision for Line Drawings.
In Proceedings Simulation und Visualisierung 2001, pages 215-222, SCS
Europe, Magdeburg, 2001, ISBN 1-56555-213-X
(Paper PDF 0.3 MB
| Slides PDF 0.7 MB)
Freudenberg, Ludowici, Kreiker, and Strothotte:
Virtual Reconstruction of Medieval Architecture.
In Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 1999, Short Papers, pages 87-90, 1999.
(Paper PDF 0.7 MB
| Slides PPT 5.5 MB)
Puhle, Masuch, Freudenberg, Kreiker, Ludowici:
Visualizing Uncertainty in Virtual Reconstructions.
In Proceedings of Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA Europe '99,
Berlin, p. 16, 1999.
(Paper PDF 1.3 MB
| Slides PPT 3.7 MB)
- Schlechtweg, Schönwälder, Schumann, and Strothotte:
Surfaces to Lines: Rendering Rich Line Drawings.
In Proceedings of WSCG'98, pages 354-361, 1998.
Schlechtweg, and Schönwälder:
daLi! - Drawing Animated Lines!
In Simulation and Animation '97, pages 87-95, SCS Europe, Magdeburg, 1997, ISBN 1-56555-111-7.
(PDF 0.3 MB)
Journal Articles
- Isenberg, Freudenberg, Halper, Schlechtweg, Strothotte:
A Developer's Guide to Silhouette Algorithms for Polygonal Models.
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 23 (2003), no. 4, pages 29-37.
(Paper PDF 2 MB)
- Pastor, Freudenberg, Strothotte:
Real-Time Animated Stippling.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 23 (2003), no. 4, pages 62-68.
(Paper PDF 3 MB)
Freudenberg, Masuch, and Strothotte:
Walk-Through Illustrations: Frame-Coherent Pen-and-Ink Style in
a Game Engine.
In Computer Graphics forum, vol. 20 (2001), no. 3. ISSN 0167-7055
Manchester, UK, 2001.
(Paper PDF 2 MB
| Slides PPT 1.6 MB)
Book Contributions
Freudenberg, Masuch, and Strothotte:
Real-Time Halftoning: Fast and Simple Stylized Shading
In Andrew Kirmse (ed.), Game Programming Gems 4, pp. 443-440, Charles River Media, 2004.
(Article PDF 1.2 MB)
Freudenberg (images):
Hatching Example
In Randi Rost, OpenGL Shading Language, Addison Wesley Professional, 2004, pp. 356-364.
Die Visualisierung: Virtuelle Rekonstruktion.
In Masuch, Strothotte (eds.): Virtuelle Zeitreise: Der Computervisualistikraum
in der Ausstellung "OTTO DER GROSSE, Magdeburg und Europa"
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Simulation und Graphik, 2001.
Broschur incl. CD-ROM. ISBN: 3-9804874-1-5.
Invited Papers
Freudenberg and Masuch:
Non-Photorealistic Shading in an Educational Game Engine
Workshop Proceedings
Production Process of 3D Computer Graphics Applications - Structures, Roles and Tools, pages 45-48,
ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics Campfire, June 1 - June 4, 2002, Snowbird, Utah, USA.
In: Ralf Dörner et al., Shaker, Aachen, 2002. ISBN 3-8322-0241-2
(Paper PDF 0.8 MB |
Slides PPT 2.9 MB)
Masuch and Freudenberg:
Teaching 3D Computer Game Programming
Workshop Proceedings
Production Process of 3D Computer Graphics Applications - Structures, Roles and Tools, pages 109-112,
ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics Campfire, June 1 - June 4, 2002, Snowbird, Utah, USA.
In: Ralf Dörner et al., Shaker, Aachen, 2002. ISBN 3-8322-0241-2
(PDF 0.5 MB)
One Etoy per Child on the $100-Laptop
Invited Keynote at Smalltalk Solutions 2007 in Calgary.
(Presentation as Squeak image ZIP 14 MB)
A Non-Photorealistic Fragment Shader in OpenGL 2.0
Presented at the SIGGRAPH 2002 Exhibition in San Antonio.
(Slides PPT 3.0 MB)
Real-Time Stroke Textures.
Technical Sketch presented at SIGGRAPH 2001 in Los
Abstract printed in SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Abstracts and Applications, p. 252.
(Abstract PDF 0.6 MB
| Slides PPT 2.1 MB
PDF 5.1 MB
| Teapot Anim.GIF 8 MB
| Room Anim.GIF 1 MB)
Real-Time Stroke-Based Halftoning
PhD thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, submitted 2003, defended 4 June 2004.
Published at Der Andere Verlag, ISBN 3899592654
(Thesis preprint PDF 15 MB
| Defense Slides PDF 17 MB)
Generierung charakteristischer Linienzüge aus
(Generating characteristic lines from 3D models)
Diploma thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg,
(PDF 5 MB)
Cover Image
Norsk samarbeid innen grafisk databehandling, 1/2002.
ISSN 0803-8317.
(PDF 0.7 MB)
- NPAR (2002)
- Computer Graphics Forum (2002)
- Graphics Interface (2004)
- EuroGraphics (2004)
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2004)